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Saturday, October 9, 2010
Wednesday, October 6, 2010
Wednesday, September 29, 2010
Wednesday, April 28, 2010
Tournament Shooting without Flash, a primer. -Bob Hubbard
Tournament Shooting without Flash, a primer.
-Bob Hubbard
Traditional thinking says to use flash to freeze action. But what do you do if the venue won't allow flash photography? Shooting in a low light situation is tricky, even for pros. Where our eyes may think things are well lit, the average karate school or gym just doesn't put out the level of light needed by most cameras to capture anything but a blurry, grainy mess. So, what do you do? This is where you're going to have to put away the pocket camera and reach for pro gear.
This is where you need to know your camera well. Locking it on auto is not going to get you anything but amateur level shots, and often will trigger your flash, getting you in trouble and possibly ejected from the event.
Taking good shots in low light is tricky, but it's not impossible. It's a matter of raising your ISO to 800, 1600 or possibly even 3200, combined with a wide aperture of 2.8, 2.0, 1.8 or even 1.4 and a shutter speed around 1/60-1/200. Optionally, you may wish to use a tripod for added stability. Lets look at each of these briefly.
ISO when it comes to digital photography is a measure of light sensitivity. You trade light sensitivity for grain or noise in the image. While the final image doesn't really care how many MP you have, ISO does. Or rather, it cares how big those pixels are. A pocket camera's pixels tend to be a quarter of the size of a DSLR's. Bigger pixels = more light capturing ability + less noise. Play with the ISO starting with 800 until you find your optimum balance of noise to sensitivity.
The aperture or Fstop determines how much light hits the sensor during a shot. For low light shooting, you want a lens that can do a 2.8 or wider for maximum light grabbing. Unfortunately, your standard kit lens just can't do this. Most manufacturers make a budget 50mm 1.8 or close lens, but if you want a zoom, you can expect to pay several hundred to a few thousand dollars. A trade off with a wide aperture is a shallow depth of field. Depth of field is how much of the image is in focus. A pocket camera is set to infinity, which is why most snapshots are all in focus, while pro shots focus on the subject and blur backgrounds. Experiment with your lens to see how sensitive it is. I've found that Canon lenses tend to be tighter than Nikon in this.
Shutter Speed
Shutter speed determines how much motion blur you'll get during a shot. Usually doing low-light shooting you'll keep the shutter open longer, times of 1/40 are common. However for action shots, you'll get significant blur at that speed. When using flash, you can set your speed at 1/200-1/500, but low light I suggest starting at 1/125 and working from there.
A good starting base is ISO 1600, F2.8, 1/125. You should experiment with this, and fine tune it depending on your conditions and equipment.
Using a tripod is also a good idea to help stabilize your shot and keep things sharp. Keep in mind however that if you are using a tripod with an image stabilizing lens or camera, it is a good idea to disable the IS function as it can cause more blur when used in conjunction with a tripod or monopod.
I hope you've enjoyed this brief primer on low light shooting. Obviously, we've barely touched the surface here and could go into great depth on each part, but I hope this is enough to get you started. As with all photography, you need to practice, practice, practice to master the technique.
Bob Hubbard is a professional photographer specializing in martial arts event, nature and portrait photography. He is also the CEO of SilverStar WebDesigns Inc, a web design and hosting company specializing in martial arts sites, as well as an administrator on the popular martial arts communities, and His martial arts photography can be found there as well as at his martial arts photography web site, He may be reached through these sites.
Copyright © 2010 - Bob Hubbard - All Rights Reserved
Permission is granted to reprint this article on websites, blogs and ezines provided all text, links and authors bio is left intact.
Monday, April 26, 2010
Tips on Lenses – Sharp Images at a Budget Price, the 50mm Answer. -Bob Hubbard
Tips on Lenses – Sharp Images at a Budget Price, the 50mm Answer.
-Bob Hubbard
-Bob Hubbard
For anyone shooting portraits with a DSLR, which lens is best is an ongoing question, with most photographers having differing opinions based on their shooting style and goals. Good portrait lenses can run into the thousands of dollars for high end pro-glass. Thankfully both Nikon and Canon have an affordable answer within most shooters budgets.
The 50mm F1.8 lens.
While I would love to have the F1.2 or F1.4, both are out of the budget of the beginner or casual shooter at $350-$1,500. I've shot both Nikon and Canon DLSRs over the past few years, and both vendors offer a dirt cheap, razor sharp F1.8 lens right around the $100 price point. These lenses are great for low light occasions, create sharp and vibrant images, and are ultra light. The downside is they tend to be made of plastic and lack the durability of the higher priced F1.4 versions. The other downside is, as a prime or fixed length lens, the zoom tends to be your own two feet.
If you're serious about your photography, or just want a low cost sharp lens, check out the 50mm offered by your vendor. You won't be disappointed.
Bob Hubbard is a professional photographer specializing in martial arts event, nature and portrait photography. He is also the CEO of SilverStar WebDesigns Inc, a web design and hosting company specializing in martial arts sites, as well as an administrator on the popular martial arts communities, and His martial arts photography can be found there as well as at his martial arts photography web site, He may be reached through these sites.
Copyright © 2010 - Bob Hubbard - All Rights Reserved
Permission is granted to reprint this article on websites, blogs and ezines provided all text, links and authors bio is left intact.
Sunday, April 25, 2010
Monday, February 15, 2010
Limited Edition Grandmaster Bobby Taboada Portrait
Grandmaster Bobby Taboada
Contact me to order
Limited Edition, Signed and Certified.
Each portrait run is limited to 10 prints total irregardless of size.
Matted prints include frame.
Hand numbered and signed.
Certificate of Authenticity is sent with each portrait.
Prices include shipping within the US. Contact me for rates outside the US.
=Print Prices=
All prints are printed on Kodak Professional Paper for the highest in print quality.
8x10 Matted (11x14)
11x14 Non-Matted
11x14 Matted (16x20)
16x20 Non Matted
=Plak mounted=
8x10 - $350
11x14 - $450
16x20 - $550
Limited Edition, Signed and Certified.
Each portrait run is limited to 10 prints total irregardless of size.
Matted prints include frame.
Hand numbered and signed.
Certificate of Authenticity is sent with each portrait.
Prices include shipping within the US. Contact me for rates outside the US.
Sunday, February 14, 2010
Limited Edition Grandmaster Max Pallen Portrait
Grandmaster Max Pallen
Contact me to order
Limited Edition, Signed and Certified.
Each portrait run is limited to 10 prints total irregardless of size.
Matted prints include frame.
Hand numbered and signed.
Certificate of Authenticity is sent with each portrait.
Prices include shipping within the US. Contact me for rates outside the US.
=Print Prices=
All prints are printed on Kodak Professional Paper for the highest in print quality.
8x10 Matted (11x14)
11x14 Non-Matted
11x14 Matted (16x20)
16x20 Non Matted
=Plak mounted=
8x10 - $350
11x14 - $450
16x20 - $550
Limited Edition, Signed and Certified.
Each portrait run is limited to 10 prints total irregardless of size.
Matted prints include frame.
Hand numbered and signed.
Certificate of Authenticity is sent with each portrait.
Prices include shipping within the US. Contact me for rates outside the US.
Saturday, February 13, 2010
Limited Edition Master Michael Giron Portrait
Master Michael Giron
Contact me to order
Limited Edition, Signed and Certified.
Each portrait run is limited to 10 prints total irregardless of size.
Matted prints include frame.
Hand numbered and signed.
Certificate of Authenticity is sent with each portrait.
Prices include shipping within the US. Contact me for rates outside the US.
=Print Prices=
All prints are printed on Kodak Professional Paper for the highest in print quality.
8x10 Matted (11x14)
11x14 Non-Matted
11x14 Matted (16x20)
16x20 Non Matted
=Plak mounted=
8x10 - $350
11x14 - $450
16x20 - $550
Limited Edition, Signed and Certified.
Each portrait run is limited to 10 prints total irregardless of size.
Matted prints include frame.
Hand numbered and signed.
Certificate of Authenticity is sent with each portrait.
Prices include shipping within the US. Contact me for rates outside the US.
Friday, February 12, 2010
Limited Edition Grandmaster Robert Castro Portrait
Grandmaster Robert Castro
Contact me to order
Limited Edition, Signed and Certified.
Each portrait run is limited to 10 prints total irregardless of size.
Matted prints include frame.
Hand numbered and signed.
Certificate of Authenticity is sent with each portrait.
Prices include shipping within the US. Contact me for rates outside the US.
=Print Prices=
All prints are printed on Kodak Professional Paper for the highest in print quality.
8x10 Matted (11x14)
11x14 Non-Matted
11x14 Matted (16x20)
16x20 Non Matted
=Plak mounted=
8x10 - $350
11x14 - $450
16x20 - $550
Limited Edition, Signed and Certified.
Each portrait run is limited to 10 prints total irregardless of size.
Matted prints include frame.
Hand numbered and signed.
Certificate of Authenticity is sent with each portrait.
Prices include shipping within the US. Contact me for rates outside the US.
Monday, February 8, 2010
Limited Edition Grandmaster Ron Van Browning Portrait
Grandmaster Ron Van Browning Portrait

=Print Prices=
All prints are printed on Kodak Professional Paper for the highest in print quality.
8x10 Matted (11x14)
11x14 Non-Matted
11x14 Matted (16x20)
16x20 Non Matted
=Plak mounted=
8x10 - $350
11x14 - $450
16x20 - $550
Limited Edition, Signed and Certified.
Each portrait run is limited to 10 prints total irregardless of size.
Matted prints include frame.
Hand numbered and signed.
Certificate of Authenticity is sent with each portrait.
Prices include shipping within the US. Contact me for rates outside the US.
Sunday, February 7, 2010
Limited Edition Matee "Dragon Leg" Jedeepitak Portrait
Matee "Dragon Leg" Jedeepitak
4 time Muay Thai champion
=Print Prices=
All prints are printed on Kodak Professional Paper for the highest in print quality.
8x10 Matted (11x14)
11x14 Non-Matted
11x14 Matted (16x20)
16x20 Non Matted
=Plak mounted=
8x10 - $350
11x14 - $450
16x20 - $550
Limited Edition, Signed and Certified.
Each portrait run is limited to 10 prints total irregardless of size.
Matted prints include frame.
Hand numbered and signed.
Certificate of Authenticity is sent with each portrait.
Prices include shipping within the US. Contact me for rates outside the US.
Saturday, February 6, 2010
Limited Edition Datu Tim Hartman Portrait
=Print Prices=
All prints are printed on Kodak Professional Paper for the highest in print quality.
8x10 Matted (11x14)
11x14 Non-Matted
11x14 Matted (16x20)
16x20 Non Matted
=Plak mounted=
8x10 - $350
11x14 - $450
16x20 - $550
Contact me to order.
Limited Edition, Signed and Certified.
Each portrait run is limited to 10 prints total irregardless of size.
Matted prints include frame.
Hand numbered and signed.
Certificate of Authenticity is sent with each portrait.
Prices include shipping within the US. Contact me for rates outside the US.
Limited Edition, Signed and Certified.
Each portrait run is limited to 10 prints total irregardless of size.
Matted prints include frame.
Hand numbered and signed.
Certificate of Authenticity is sent with each portrait.
Prices include shipping within the US. Contact me for rates outside the US.
Tuesday, January 26, 2010
The Clinton Bush Haiti Fund
"One hundred percent of donations received by the Clinton Foundation and the Communities Foundation of Texas go directly to relief efforts."
Donation sent.
Donation sent.
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